Ive always dreaded Sundays since having a small family, and even more I thought I was alone. I would see the Facebook and instagram posts of everyone enjoying their children, even in crappy weather walking around the sea side and having a coffee in a sunny kitchen. And here I was feeling horrible that my family were overwhelming and I definitely was not making a Roast damn dinner. I spoke about this to my girl Jen, the crazy and wild half of the liberty ladies who are all about female empowerment.
Jen agreed she had been through this and guided me through these thoughts. And I was super happy to see her email last week on taking it back and dictating how I want my Sunday to go. And now I am sat in Starbucks alone writing this on a sunny Sunday giving my personal story on how I will take back and create the Sunday that I want.
I started my morning with a run. yes a run but couch to 5k so..... a half run after I fed kids breakfast. I feel great washed my smelly kids gave them raspberries and chocolate and headed off for a coffee ALONE! And there's so much more I am taking control of today.
Now its easy to just say hey Sam take control of your day and do what you want. Nay this is not the case and I think recognising root causes to why you are struggling to cope with a day or your family is the first step. I talk so much to my clients about hormonal health and recognising what peri menopausal or even premenstrual looks like and affects us.
I have been taking B12 since November and its MY game changer. Its a lot of peoples game changer. I recently spoke to a male client of mine, young and fit but seeking B12 shots as he was struggling with energy levels. During consultation we agreed that eating healthy, exercise and making meaningful connections can impact our overall health massively. BUT how do you find the root energy to even get up and do a run, the mental clarity to make right health choices and the hormonal balance to cope with friends and family.
For me B12 was my first step with taking control of my health, and having more daily vitamins and gut health. But the changes I saw with B12 was tangible and quick within 2 weeks, where my partner who has blood tests the showed he was folate deficient the B12 took almost 2 months to make a difference.
Right back to my fabulous Sunday, I will no longer dread it, planning it is easier or just accepting I can't plan it and will enjoy and love it on my terms. Vitamins are making a huge change in lives especially linked with hormonal health. Cant wait to walk this journey with you.